This Is The Useless Car Tech Could You Happily Live Without

A photo of a dashboard showing Tesla Autopilot running.

Can self-driving cars get in the sea?
Photo: Chris Walker/Chicago Tribune/Tribune News Service (Getty Images)

Modern cars come with some incredible tech installed these days, including cruise control that can take the pain out of highway driving, massaging seats that soothe your soul and crystal clear stereos. But not every automotive tech is created equal, some is pretty awful.

With this in mind, we turned to you and asked for your picks for the worst automotive technology that you think you could live without. Thankfully, you came back with tons of suggestions for features that you wish would get in the bin.

From voice control that struggles with accents to gas pedals that aren’t used to your mad skills, we were inundated with great responses to this one. So sit back, relax and uncover the automotive features that Jalopnik readers can live without. If there’s one we missed, let us know in the comments below.

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