Add To The List: Two Ford Mustangs Crash Through Separate Homes In Phoenix

The residents came within inches of being slammed by the out-of-control Ford Mustang


by Brad Anderson

September 7, 2024 at 21:01

  • Police arrested an 18-year-old driver who faces DUI charges after crashing into a home.
  • Phoenix residents are pushing for speed bumps to address the rise in reckless driving.
  • In a separate incident, a Mustang smashed into the side of a large apartment complex.

Everybody loves a bit of rest and relaxation and the chance to kick your feet up after a long day. But, the evening plans of a couple in Phoenix, Arizona, were ruined earlier this week when an out-of-control Ford Mustang crashed right into their living room.

Wild security camera footage from inside the couple’s home shows the Mustang barrel through a wall just as Marcus Holmberg and Sabrina Rivera were getting ready to eat dinner. The couple came within inches of getting struck head-on by the car, as did their three large dogs. Much of the house has been ruined by the impact.

Watch: Another Mustang Crashes At Cars And Coffee, This Time Into A Corvette

Local news outlet KFYRTV visited the home and found that an entire wall is now missing. The muscle car pushed the couple’s couch to the side, and the force of the impact reverberated through the house, cracking numerous walls and even knocking a large window at the back of the house off its frame.

While the couple survived, Rivera did suffer a small fracture and will have to take things easy for a while. “I can’t hold anything heavy in my right arm,” he said. “They did a CT scan on my head. They did see a fracture, a light one, so it’s just sore. Other than that, we are OK. This was an act of God. Someone was watching over us.”

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The residents say they frequently see people speeding and driving recklessly near their home and are hopeful this incident will give local authorities the impetus to install speed bumps to slow down motorists.

According to the report, the driver behind the Mustang’s ill-fated adventure was an 18-year-old who clearly mistook his car for a wrecking ball. He’s now facing charges of driving under the influence, criminal damage, and endangerment.

Incredibly, this isn’t the first time a Ford Mustang has crashed into a house in Phoenix. Just last month, another Mustang driver decided to to showcase their unique parking skills by crashing into the side of an apartment complex Fortunately, no one was hurt, but It seems like Mustangs have a penchant for dramatic entrances – and sometimes, dramatic exits.

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